Monday, November 26, 2007

You Lied to Me, Didn't You?

There are people in life that you end up wishing you’d never met. There’s no away around it…it just happens. Perhaps it has something to do with basic personality chemistry.
There are some people you meet in life that you simply don’t like right from the gate. Something about them spells bad news. There’s no explanation for the feeling. You don’t even know the person. You just hate who they exude themselves to be.
Then there are others that you get to know and it takes months to wash and scrub the stink of that relationship off yourself. You might even use a metal brush or sandpaper but, no matter how hard or long you scrub, the stink is still there.
Sometimes it’s just a friend you thought you could hang out with. Those inimical instances never last too long and forgetting about them isn’t too difficult.
But then there’s the other relationship. The people you fall in love with for some ungodly reason. The more you peel away at the fabric that is them the more you find dismay, disillusionment, and utter failure. Something about it just doesn’t seem to want to work.
Is there a solution? Is there some cosmic way of avoiding such unhappy life qualms? Ego, maybe? A backbone, perhaps?
If you’ve got the answers, I’d like to hear them. The choices we make about people are almost never lucid and logical. Insanity typically clouds over the most banal of judgments in these cases.
My solution is this: Day to day movie and ice cream…an appreciation for nature and the larger scope of the world…and revenge. Happy revenge.